
周一至周五 8:20-22:00(一楼至七楼)

周六 8:20-22:00(二楼、三楼)

周日 8:20-22:00(二楼至七楼)

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作者:暂无 上传时间:2021-05-21 浏览次数:

       1. It’s very kind of you. 您真是太好了!
       2. Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?
       3. I think so. 我也那么认为。
       4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你!
       5. This way, please. 这边请!
       6. You are welcome. 不用谢!
       7. May I have your name, please? 能告诉我您的名字吗?
       8. What’s your major? 你的专业是什么?
       9. I major in Accounting. 我是会计专业的。
       10. Fancy meeting you here. 想不到在这儿能见到你。
       11. Long time no see. 好久不见。
       12. Keep in touch. 保持联系。
       13. How many roommates are there in your dorm? 你宿舍住几个人?
       14. We get along well with each other. 我们相处得很好。
       15. Do you have any suggestion? 你有什么建议吗?
       16. It is time for lunch. 该吃午餐了。
       17. What is on the menu today? 今天有什么菜?
       18. For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是打包带走?
       19. It’s on me today. 今天我请客。
       20. Let’s go Dutch. 我们AA制吧!
       21. Have you got a table for two by the window? 有没有靠窗的双人桌?
       22. Are you ready to order? 请问您要点餐吗?
       23. Would you like something to drink? 您要喝些什么?
       24. All the best! 一切都好!
       25. A little bird told me. 我听说的。
       26. Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意时。
       27. Excuse me for a moment. 失陪一会儿。
       28. Excuse me, do you have a minute? 对不起,你有空吗?
       29. He’s been everywhere. 他到处都去过了。
       30. I’m sorry to have troubled you. 很抱歉麻烦你。
       31. Could you please speak more slowly? 请说慢一点。
       32. Do you understand what I said? 你明白我说的话吗?
       33. Don’t beat around the bush. Tell me the truth. 别拐弯抹角了,告诉我真相吧。
       34. Don’t bury your head in the sand. 不要逃避现实。
       35. Don’t get me wrong. 不要误会我。
       36. It’s raining cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。
       37. I won’t buy your story. 我不信你那一套。
       38. Just to be on the safe side. 为了安全起见。
       39. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油
       40. Let’s forgive and forget. 让我们摒弃前嫌。
       41. Let’s give him a big hand. 让我们热烈鼓掌。
       42. How about ordering delivery food? 点外卖吃怎样?
       43. I do like Western food, but today I want to have a change. 我确实喜欢西餐,但今天我想换换。
       44. I’m all grown up now. 我现在长大了。
       45. Scrub between your fingers and wash your wrist, too. Wash until your hands are visibly clean. 手指间要擦洗,手腕也要洗,直到你的手明显冲洗干净。
       46. What a nice day! 多好的一天啊!
       47. Whenever you want to go is all right with me. 你什么时候想去都行。
       48. They are all new arrivals. 都是新到的货。
       49. The original price is 1000 Yuan, but it is on sale. Everything is only half price. 原价是一千元,但现在店里有促销活动,所有商品都是半价。
       50. I used to like basketball, but now I prefer dragon dance. 我以前喜欢打篮球,但是现在我更喜欢舞狮。
       51. The dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture. 舞龙是中国文化中的一种传统舞蹈形式。
       52. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧/久炼成钢。
       53. There are so many cars and people on campus. 校园里有这么多车和人啊。
       54. There will be a big show tonight. 今晚将有一场盛大的演出。
       55. Where there are Chinese people, there are dragon and lion dances. 哪里有中国人,哪里就有舞龙舞狮。
       56. People believe that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. 人们相信龙越长,它会带来更多的运气。
       57. Let's check it out. 我们去看看吧。
       58. You must know a lot about it. 你对此肯定很了解。
       59. Amazing!They can do more than that. 真棒!他们能做的远不止这些。
       60. They are the students majoring in Lion Dance in our university. 他们是我们大学舞狮专业的学生。
       61. Would you like to play basketball together this weekend? 这个周末一起打篮球吧?
       62. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. 我很乐意,但恐怕我去不了。
       63. How many classes do you have on Monday? 你星期一有几节课?
       64. I have six classes on Monday. 我星期有六节课。
       65. What time does the first class begin? 第一节课几点开始?
       66. The first class begins at eight twenty. 第一节课8:20开始。
       67. How long does the English morning reading class last every day? 每天的英语晨读要持续多久?
       68. It lasts half an hour. 半个小时。
       69. Why are you late for class again? 你为什么又迟到了?
       70. I overslept again. Sorry, Miss Li. 李老师,我又睡过头了,对不起。
       71. What is your favorite subject? 你最喜欢哪一个科目?
       72. My favorite subject is English. 我最喜欢英语。
       73. Safety always comes first. 安全第一!
       74. I couldn’t agree with you more. 我完全赞同你的说法。
       75. How often do you go to the library? 你多久去一次图书馆?
       76. I go to the library at least 4 times a week. 我一周至少去图书馆四次。
       77. How many floors are there in this building? 这栋楼有几层?
       78. There are 7 floors in this building. Now we are on the second floor. 这栋楼有七层。我们现在在第二层。
       79. Where do you work now? 你现在在哪工作?
       80. I’m out of work. 我现在失业了。
       81. I had an interview this morning, but they turned me down. 今早我去面试了,但是碰了钉子。
       82. I’ll try some foreign trade companies. 我想试试一些外贸公司。
       83. Can you tell me something about the position? 能给我讲讲这个职位的要求吗?
       84. This job is very interesting, but somewhat challenging. 这个工作非常有趣,但是很有挑战性。
       85. I have waited for a week but still have no response. 我已经等了一周了但仍然没有回复。
       86. What kind of people do you need? 你们需要什么样的人?
       87. Do you have a good command of English? 你的英文好吗?
       88. Anyhow, I want to apply for a job which is related to my major. 不管怎样,我想申请一个和自己专业有关的职业。
       89. My major is Business Administration. 我主修工商管理。
       90. Have you received any degrees? 你有什么学历文凭吗?
       91. What is this machine for? 这台机器是做什么用的?
       92. It is the machine that helps us to borrow or return the books by ourselves. 这是一台自助借还书的机器。
       93. Could you show me how to use this machine? 你能教教我如何使用这台机器吗?
       94. Is there anything I can help you? 请问有什么可以帮您的?
       95. I’d like to borrow a textbook from the library. 我想借一本课本。
       96. What course book are you looking for? 您在找什么书呢?
       97. A book on mathematics. 一本数学书。
       98. What is your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?
       99. I like playing football best. 我最喜欢足球运动。
       100. Where can we go swimming? 我们可以去哪里游泳?
       101. There is a very beautiful swimming pool beside the Teaching Building No. 1. 第一教学楼旁有一个非常漂亮的游泳池。
       102. Why do you love swimming?你为什么喜欢游泳?
       103. Because swimming can relieve stress and keep fit. 因为游泳能缓解压力、保持身体健康。
       104. I heard your mom broke her leg last week. 我听说你妈妈上周腿骨折了。
       105. Is she getting better now? 她现在好些了吗?
       106. Thank you for your concern. 谢谢你的关心。
       107. What’s the matter with you, Madam? 女士,您怎么了?
       108. I've had a fever for days. 我已经发烧好几天了。
       109. Have you had any medicine? 你吃过药了吗?
       110. He is under treatment and is in stable condition. 他正在接受治疗,病情稳定。
       111. This coffee is too hot to drink. 这咖啡太烫了,不能喝。
       112. He had considered giving up his job. 他考虑过要辞职。
       113. Can you sweep the floor? 你能扫扫地吗?
       114. There’s a lot of hair and dust on the floor. 地板上有很多头发和灰尘。
       115. After you finish sweeping, can you mop the floor as well, please? 你扫完地后,能再拖一下地吗?
       116. Just leave it to me! 交给我吧!
       117. Look here, what a mess he's made! 瞧,他把这儿搞得一团糟。
       118. How long haven't you cleaned your house? 你多长时间没打扫房子了?
       119. I haven't done housework for a long time because of my busy work. 因为工作太忙,我已经很久没有做家务了。
       120. I’ll help you fold the clothes in the wardrobe. 我来帮你叠衣柜里的衣服。
       121. So considerate of you! 你真体贴!
       122. Can you put all the sheets and covers in the washing machine? 你能把所有的床单和被套放进洗衣机里吗?
       123. The washing machine is broken! 洗衣机坏了!
       124. What's wrong with it? 它怎么坏了?
       125. That's because you're not using it properly. 那是因为你没有正确使用它。
       126. Put some detergent into the washing machine, shut the door, and pressed the switch. 往洗衣机里放些洗衣剂,关上门,按下开关。
       127. Could you show me how to use the new microwave oven? 你能教我怎么使用这台新微波炉吗?
       128. This microwave oven has many functions. 这个微波炉有很多功能。
       129. What would you like to cook? 你想做点什么菜?
       130. I'm not good at cooking. 我不擅长做饭。
       131. I have to change the plug on my hairdryer. 我必须更换吹风机的插头。
       132. We have run out of toilet paper. 我们把卫生纸用完了。
       133. I am currently studying Finance at a training school. 我现在在一所培训学校学习金融。
       134. I’m specializing in Financial Management. 我的专业是财务管理。
       135. I heard you’re a junior college student. 我听说你是大专生。
       136. His sister goes to a vocational school. 他的姐姐上职业专科学校。
       137. What’s your brother's highest degree? 你哥哥的最高学历是什么?
       138. What were your grades in college? 你在大学的成绩怎么样?
       139. What kind of character do you think you have? 你认为自己是什么性格的人?
       140. Are you introverted or extroverted? 你内向还是外向?
       141. How do you get along with others? 你和别人相处得怎样?
       142. Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? 你有什么特别的优点和缺点吗?
       143. What basic principles do you apply to your life? 你生活中的基本原则是什么?
       144. What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么?
       145. I like to be alone. 我喜欢独处。
       146. I’m an easy-going person. 我很容易相处。
       147. I’m keen on climbing. 我喜欢爬山。
       148. I’m an outgoing girl. 我是个外向的女孩。
       149. What are your personality traits? 你的个性特征是什么?
       150. Have you had any previous experience? 你以前有过相关经验吗?
       151. I am a teaching assistant in an English training school. 我是一家英语培训学校的助教。
       152. The interest is my main consideration in my job hunting. 选择工作时,我主要考虑兴趣。
       153. I am confused about some terms on the pay stub. 我不太明白工资单存根上的一些术语。
       154. What is “Journal”? 什么是日记账?
       155. The journal is also called the book of chronological entry. The simplest type of journal is general journal. 日记账又叫序时账簿。最简单的日记账就是普通日记账。
       156. What is the general journal for? 普通日记账的作用是什么?
       157. It is used to record all transactions that do not fit one of the special journals. 它是用来记录特种日记账无法记录的所有业务。
       158. Why are the special journals subdivided into so many types? 为什么特种日记账分类这么细?
       159. It can help to facilitate the process of journalizing and posting transactions. 它可以简化分类等级过程和交易过程。
       160. Can you tell me how high the net income of the company is? 你知道公司的净收入吗?
      161. On the third fiscal quarter, the net revenue fell by 6. 6% to $ 2. 40 billion. 公司的净收入为24美元,较去年同期下降6. 6%。
      162. I want to know what the VAT is. 我想知道VAT是什么?
       163. VAT is short for value-added tax. VAT 是增值税的简称。
       164. How can we get the money? 我们该如何获取资金?
       165. Commercial standing and bank loans are two important ways to financing. 商业信用与银行贷款是企业的两种重要的融资方式 
       166. Is it off-the-job? 脱产培训吗?
       167. Can I go over some main details again before I sign the contract? 在我签合同前,我可以回顾一下合同里的主要细节吗?
       168. What is the training about? 培训的内容是什么?
       169. How long will the program be? 培训多长时间?
       170. Could you please tell me more about the benefits package? 你能告诉我更多关于员工福利的信息吗?
       171. How long is my probation? 我的试用期多久?
       172. What insurances do I get? 我能享受什么保险待遇呢?
       173. Thank you for your care. 感谢你的关照。
       174. Do you want us to offer delivery? 您想让我们提供送货吗?
       175. We look forward to the cooperation with you. 我方期待能与您合作。
       176. Do you want to send it by air or by sea? 您想要寄空运还是海运?
       177. Do you want it insured? 您要保价吗?
       178. What is the postage on this parcel? 寄这个包裹邮费要多少钱?
       179. How much do you charge? 收费是多少?
       180. Which one do you prefer, freight collect or freight prepaid? 运费您要到付还是预付?
       181. Please endorse it first. 请您先签收。
       182. Here is your receipt. 这是您的收据。
       183. Can you do me a favor? 您能帮我个忙吗?
       184. Can I pay by installments? 我可以分期付款吗?
       185. Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions. 如果您有任何问题,请随时问我。
       186. Would you give me some recommendations? 您能给我一些建议吗?
       187. Which color would you like to have, dark or light? 您想要哪种颜色,深色还是浅色?
       188. Could you tell me more in details? ? 您能详细的说一说吗?
       189. Your service is really considerate. 你的服务真周到。
       190. I’d prefer a domestic one. 我想要国产的。
       191. It’s reported that the pandemic has been under control in China since March 2020.据报道,自2020年3月份以来,中国的疫情已经得到了控制。
       192. We're greatly encouraged by the news. 这消息使我们深受鼓舞。
       193. The pandemic has exposed shortfalls in public health system around the world. 大流行暴露了世界各地公共卫生系统的不足。
       194. I quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的看法。
       195. By July 2020, China has paid more than 1. 2 billion RMB to COVID-19 patients. 截至2020年7月,中国累计支付新冠肺炎患者医疗费超过12亿元人民币。
       196. I’m thinking of what’s the reward of being living in Haikou? 我在想住在海口有什么好处?
       197. Haikou will be a hit. 海口将会很受欢迎。
       198. That’s really fantastic. 太棒了。
       199. Haikou fully creates a new pattern of opening-up and development zone. 海口全面创建开放和发展的新格局。
       200. Haikou gets policy to attract investment. 海口出台政策吸引投资。
       201. Would you please tell me about offshore duty-free policy in Hainan? 您能告诉我海南的离岸免税政策吗?
       202. I can take advantage of this policy. 我可以利用这项政策。
       203. There are two ways to purchase offshore duty-free items, shopping in the physical shops or online shopping. 有两种方式购买离岸免税商品,在实体店购物或网上购物。
       204. Is there any purchase limit? 有购买(额度)限制吗?
       205. I’ll give it a go. 我来试试。
       206. Does this have anything to do with zero tariff? 这和零关税有关系吗?
       207. Hot news indeed. 的确是热点新闻。
       208. Beef jerky is my favorite. 牛肉干是我的最爱。
       209. I’m leaving Hainan for another place in China. 我要离开海南到中国的另一个地方去。
       210. That sounds good. 听起来不错。
       211. Our country plans to build Hainan into a pilot free trade zone. 我国计划把海南建成自由贸易试验区。
       212. What are the unique advantages of Hainan pilot free trade zone? 海南自由贸易试验区有哪些独特优势?
       213. Hainan pilot free trade zone will be upgraded to become China’s first free trade port. 海南自由贸易试验区将升级为中国第一个自由贸易港。
       214. Hainan will enjoy more preferential policies and reform autonomy than the other free trade zones in China. 海南将享有比中国其他自由贸易区更多的优惠政策和改革自主权。
       215. I have a better idea about Hainan pilot free trade zone. 我对海南自由贸易试验区有了更深的了解。
       216. Hainan has become a hot spot recently due to China's plans to build it into a free trade port. 由于中国计划将海南建成自由贸易港,海南最近成为了一个热点。
       217. A free trade port is the world’s most open form of economic zone. 自由贸易港是世界上最开放的经济区。
       218. Those preferential policies have brought extra benefits to many sectors in Hainan.这些优惠政策给海南的很多领域带来了额外的好处。
       219. A lot of investors and talents from home and abroad will be attracted to invest or work here. 将吸引大量国内外投资者和人才来此投资或工作。
       220. That will create a lot of employment opportunities. 这将创造很多就业机会。
       221. Are you enjoying the performance so far? 到目前为止你喜欢这个表演吗?
       222. The costumes and the set are marvelous, but the acting is a bit stiff. 戏服和布景都很棒,但是表演有一点呆板。
       223. The actor in the lead role is fantastic. 主演非常棒。
       224. I absolutely adore this director. 我非常喜欢这个导演。
       225. Every play he works on turns out great. 他导的每部戏都特别好看。
       226. Have you ever been in a play? 你演过戏吗?
       227. I helped build the sets and find props for the plays. 我帮忙搭建布景,准备道具。
       228. They're dimming the lights. 他们调暗了灯光。
       229. Live music shows are my favorite. 现场音乐表演是我的最爱。
       230. The plot of the TV series is quite complex. 那部电视连续剧的情节相当复杂。
       231. No, I do not think much of the TV series. 不,我觉得这部电视连续剧并不怎么样。
       232. Last week's talent show was a great success. 上周的才艺秀取得了巨大的成功。
       233. She is very good at acting. 她演技很好。
       234. He acted the leading role in this movie. 他主演这部电影。
       235. He is in the character of this play. 他出演了这部剧。
       236. The movie was nominated for an Oscar. 这部电影获奥斯卡金像奖提名。
       237. This was her third Golden Globe nomination in 10 years. 这是她近10年来第三次被提名金球奖。
       238. Do you like to take photography? /Do you like taking pictures? 你喜欢拍照吗?
       239. How did you become interested in photography? 你是怎么对摄影感兴趣的?
       240. In what situations do you take photographs? 在什么情况下你会拍照?
       241. What kind of photos do you like to take? 你喜欢拍什么样的照片?
       242. Do you prefer to take pictures of scenery/portrait? 你喜欢拍风景照/人物照吗?
       243. How do you keep your photos? 你的照片怎么保存?
       244. Do you frame any of your photos? 你把你的照片裱起来了吗?
       245. I’d like to buy a camera. 我想买一台照相机。
       246. What are its features? 它的特点是什么?
       247. What about the quality of the pictures? 照片质量怎么样?
       248. Sounds really cool! 听起来真的很酷!
       249. Are there any special offers today? 今天有什么优惠吗?
       250. Can I pay by credit card? 我能用信用卡支付吗?
       251. I will take it. 我买了。
       252. He’s been taking photographs for many years. 他从事摄影许多年了。
       253. Photography is the one thing I really enjoy. 我对摄影真是乐此不疲。
       254. When did you take this picture? 你什么时候照的这张相?
       255. Where was this picture taken? 这张相片在哪里拍的?
       256. Is this really you in the picture? 这张相片里的真是你吗?
       257. Why don't you get this picture enlarged? 你为什么不放大这张照片?
       258. I am (not) photogenic. 我(不)上相。
       259. This photo flatters me. 这张照片比本人好看。
       260. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? 你能介绍一下你自己吗?
       261. How would you describe your personality? 你会如何描述你的个性?
       262.  Do you have any experience in this field?  你有这方面的经验吗?
       263. What’s your greatest strength? 你最大的优点是什么?
       264. Why do you want to work for us?  你为什么想为我们工作?
       265. What kind of salary are you looking for?  你想要什么样的薪水?
       266. Your price is very high compared with other bidders’. 你方的报价比其他竞标者的价格高得多。
       267. We have already reduced our profit to a very low level. 我们已经将利润降到最低了。
       268. I don't know if the price will work for us. 我不知道这个价格对我们是否合适。
       269. Taking the quality into consideration, you will find our price is very reasonable. 如果考虑质量的话,你会发现价格非常合理。
       270. Let’s have a review of the tender price in your submission. 让我们审查一下你方提交的投标书中的投标价格。
       271. We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept. 我们认为你方的报价太高了,我方难以接受。
       272. We’ll place a substantial order with you if your price is reasonable. 如果你方的价格合理,我们将大量订货。
       273. Your counteroffer is too low and we can’t accept it. 你方还价太低了,我方无法接受。
       274. We are prepared to make 2% reduction if your order is big enough. 如果你们订货数量大,我们准备减价2%。
       275. Our profit margin is very narrow, we can't stand any cut on our price. 我们的利润空间很小,价格不能下调了。
       276. Geomatics may be defined as the technology and science of the study of earth’s shape and size. 测绘学可以定义为研究地球形状和大小的技术和科学。
       277. Can you give out the measurement of this teaching building? 你能给出这座教学楼的尺寸吗?
       278. I work in the Chemical Engineering Construction Company. (Construction Department, Inspection Section). 我在化工建设公司(施工部、检查科)工作。
       279. My technical specialty is civil engineering. 我的技术专业是土木工程。
       280. It is about twenty-five kilometers (miles) from here to our construction site. 这里离我们的工地约二十五公里。
       281. It is only a short way, turn left (right) at the next cross street, and then go straight on. 离这里只有一小段路,到下一个十字路口向左(右)拐,然后一直向前走就到。
       282. If it should rain tomorrow, the work would be postponed for some days. 如果明天下雨,工作就要延期几天。
       283. The climate quite agrees with us. 这气候对我们很适宜。
       284. The effective date of this contract will begin from July sixth, nineteen eight-three.这个合同的有效期将从一九八三年七月六日开始。
       285. We shall also make the project schedule report every day. 我们也将每天提出项目进度报告。
       286. We have to change our plan for lack of materials (construction machinery, erection tools) 因缺少材料(施工机械、安装工具),我们只能改变计划。
       287. All has gone well with our site work plan. 一切均按照我们的现场工作计划进行。
       288. It’s very simple and crude here. 这里很简陋。
       289. I think the provision is important. 我认为这项规定很重要。
       290. Keep safety in mind all the time. 时时把安全放在心上。
       291. But, that’s what used to happen. 但是,这事儿过去经常发生的。
       292. The safety report must be made every day and nip danger in the bud. 每天都要做安全报告,把危险消灭在萌芽状态。
       293. What is your nationality? Are you American? (English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian). 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人、日本人、德国人、法国人、意大利人、罗马尼亚人)
       294. Which department do you belong to? I work in the Construction Department. 你在哪个部门工作?我在施工部工作。
       295. Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教。
       296. Our meeting will be next Tuesday at eight o’clock. 我们的会议将在下星期二八点钟举行。
       297. Your suggestion suits us. We agree. 你的建议适合我们,我们同意。
       298. We must act according to the contract. 我们应该按照合同办事。
       299. I am responsible for the quality control of this project. 我负责这个项目的质量控制工作。
       300. The project is certain to be a success. 这个项目一定会得到成功。